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antonym of port


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The Antonym of Port


The antonym of port refers to the opposite or contrasting meaning of the term "port". It denotes a word or phrase that conveys an opposite or contradictory idea to the concept of "port."

Senses and Usages:


In the sense of a location:

Multi-purpose Facility - A place that serves for various purposes or activities, offering a range of options and versatility.

Example: The newly constructed convention center is a hub of activity, serving as the multi-purpose facility in the heart of the city.

In the sense of an opening on a device:

Outlet - A socket, connector, or interface through which a device or equipment can be connected to a power source or another device.

Example: Make sure to plug the computer into a power outlet to ensure it is properly charged.


In the sense of moving out or departing:

Arrive - To come or reach a destination, often used instead of "port" when referring to ships or other means of transportation.

Example: The luxurious cruise ship arrived at the port, welcoming its passengers to their next adventure.

In the sense of changing sides or transferring:

Retain - To hold onto, keep possession, or preserve something.

Example: The company offered her a higher position, enticing her to retain her loyalty and transfer to the new branch.

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