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antonym of piloting


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Antonym of Piloting


The antonym of piloting refers to the opposite action of guiding, controlling, or operating a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun: Nonpilot, passenger, rider
  • Verb: Follow, trail, accompany


Sense 1:

As a noun, the antonym of piloting can be understood as a person who is not actively guiding or controlling a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel.

Example Sentence: She preferred to be a passenger rather than a pilot during the thrilling roller coaster ride.

Sense 2:

As a verb, the antonym of piloting signifies the act of following, trailing, or accompanying someone else instead of taking control or leading the way.

Example Sentence: John decided to follow his friends' lead and let them drive, enjoying the scenic road trip.

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Roller Coaster Tickets

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