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antonym of precentor


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Antonym of Precentor


The term "precentor" refers to a person who leads the singing or chants in a church or synagogue. An antonym is a word that has an opposite meaning to another word.

Possible Antonyms:

  • Audience: a group of people who listen or watch a performance
  • Follower: a person who supports, admires, or obeys someone else
  • Spectator: a person who watches an event, show, or game
  • Quiet: the absence of noise or sound; silence
  • Hearer: a person who listens to something, particularly attentively

Sample Sentences:

  1. The audience applauded the singer's remarkable performance.
  2. The influential politician has a devoted group of followers.
  3. The stadium was filled with enthusiastic spectators ready to watch the match.
  4. We could hear a pin drop in the quiet room.
  5. The listener was captivated by the powerful oration.

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