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antonym of plank


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Antonym of Plank


In English grammar, the term "antonym" refers to a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. In the case of the antonym of "plank," which typically refers to a long, flat piece of timber used in construction, there are a few potential antonyms.

Possible Antonyms

1. Curve

In terms of shape, a curve can be considered an antonym of a plank. While a plank is straight and flat, a curve implies a bend or a rounded shape. For example, when building a table, the surface may be made of a plank, while the legs could have a curved design.

Example Sentence:

He traded the straight plank for a beautifully curved piece of wood to create a unique furniture design.

2. Hollow

When considering the concept of substance or solidity, a hollow can be seen as an antonym of a plank. While a plank is solid and dense, a hollow implies a void or emptiness. This contrast is frequently used when discussing construction materials.

Example Sentence:

She chose a plank over a hollow piece for her project, as she needed a sturdy base to support heavy weight.

3. Soft

In terms of texture or density, the word "soft" can serve as an antonym for a plank. While a plank is typically hard and rigid, soft objects have a malleable or yielding quality. This antonym can particularly apply when discussing materials used for flooring or surfaces.

Example Sentence:

After considering various options, they opted for a hard plank instead of a soft material to ensure durability in their high-traffic area.

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