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antonym of pitcher


Definitions from the Web

Term: Antonym of Pitcher


The term "antonym of pitcher" refers to a word that denotes the opposite or contradictory meaning of the term "pitcher," typically used in the context of a container for liquids.

Possible Parts of Speech:

  • Noun
  • Adjective

Possible Senses and Usages:

  1. As a Noun
    • 1.1: A person or object that opposes, contrasts, or goes against a pitcher in a particular context.
      • Example Sentence: In a baseball game, the batter is considered the antonym of the pitcher.
    • 1.2: A container or vessel that is contrary to a pitcher in terms of function or design.
      • Example Sentence: The antonym of a pitcher could be a drinking glass or a cup.
      • Related Product: Drinking Glass
      • Related Product: Cup
  2. As an Adjective
    • 2.1: Describing something that is opposite or contradictory to the characteristics or qualities of a pitcher.
      • Example Sentence: The antonym of "pitcher" could be "uncontainable" when referring to a liquid.
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