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antonym of portrait


Definitions from the Web

Term: Antonym of Portrait


An antonym of portrait refers to a term or concept that acts as the exact opposite or direct contrast to the traditional artistic representation of a person or object.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

As a noun, the term "antonym of portrait" can be used to describe a form of art that deliberately avoids or rejects realistic or detailed representation of individuals or subjects.

Example sentence: The abstract painting in the art gallery served as the antonym of portrait, utilizing bold colors and free-form shapes instead of depicting specific figures. Related products on Amazon

Sense 2:

When used as a phrase, "antonym of portrait" can emphasize the absence or lack of visual depiction in a specific context, such as a written description or a conceptual representation.

Example sentence: The author's use of vivid and poetic language created an antonym of portrait, allowing readers to imagine the setting without directly illustrating it. Related products on Amazon

Sense 3:

As an adjective phrase, "antonym of portrait" can describe a situation or scenario completely opposite to capturing a person's likeness or physical appearance.

Example sentence: In the world of photography, landscapes represent the antonym of portrait photography, focusing on capturing the magnificence of nature rather than the features of individuals. Related products on Amazon

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