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antonym of precedent


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Antonym of Precedent


An antonym refers to a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. Similar to a precedent which serves as an example or guideline, an antonym contradicts or contrasts the meaning of the word it is associated with.


1. Antonym as a Word:

In this sense, an antonym is a specific word that carries the opposite meaning to the word in question.

Example: The antonym of "precedent" is "subsequent."

2. Antonym as a Concept:

Here, an antonym represents the idea of having an opposing meaning in general.

Example: The concept of an antonym is fundamental to language comprehension and communication.


1. Verb Usage:

When using an antonym as a verb in a sentence, it emphasizes the act of contrasting or opposing.

Example: The author purposely antonymed the original phrase to create a unique impact.

2. Noun Usage:

In this case, an antonym is used as a noun to express the opposite meaning of a specific word.

Example: Can you provide me with the antonyms for these adjectives?

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