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antonym of prize


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Antonym of Prize


The antonym of prize refers to something that is considered of little or no value, significance, or importance.

Possible Parts of Speech:

  • Noun
  • Adjective

Senses and Usages:


  1. A worthless or insignificant object.
  2. An outcome or result that is considered undesirable or unfavorable.


  1. Describing something as having little value or importance.
  2. Describing an action or behavior as unimpressive or lacking in merit.

Sample Sentences:


  • He threw away the broken toy, considering it to be an antonym of prize.
  • The defeat in the match was a huge antonym of prize for the team.


  • The dilapidated house stood as an antonym of prize in the neighborhood.
  • Her ungrateful attitude toward the gift was antonym of prize.

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