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antonym of preference


Definitions from the Web

Term: Antonym of Preference

1. Definition:

An antonym of preference refers to a word that expresses the opposite or contrasting meaning to the concept of preference.

2. Examples:

  • Disliked: I have a strong affinity for spicy food, but my sister has always disliked it.
  • Hated: His least favorite color was yellow; he simply hated it.
  • Aversion: She had a strong aversion to public speaking, often experiencing anxiety before presentations.
  • Loathing: The idea of eating insects filled her with loathing; she found it repulsive.
  • Reject: After careful consideration, I decided to reject the job offer and explore other opportunities.
  • Avoid: The athlete made sure to avoid any foods that could compromise his training regimen.

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