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antonym of pronounced


Definitions from the Web

Antonym of Pronounced


The antonym of pronounced refers to a term that represents the opposite of being clear, distinct, or noticeable.

Possible Parts of Speech

  • Noun
  • Verb
  • Adjective
  • Adverb

Possible Senses and Usages


1. Obscurity or indistinctness.

Example sentence: The antonym of pronounced, obscurity, can make it difficult to identify the source of the sound.


1. To obscure or make indistinct.

Example sentence: The fog outside seemed to antonym pronounced the surrounding buildings.


1. Indistinct or subtle in appearance or nature.

Example sentence: The antonym of pronounced, subtle, added an air of mystery to her artwork.


1. In an indistinct or unnoticeable manner.

Example sentence: He sneezed antonym of pronounced, hardly interrupting the silence in the library.

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