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antonym of prodigy


Definitions from the Web

Term: Antonym of Prodigy

  1. Noun: Mediocrity
    • Definition: A person of average or inferior ability, lacking exceptional talents or skills.
    • Example Sentence: John was a mediocrity in sports, never excelling in any particular discipline.
  2. Adjective: Average
    • Definition: Typical or ordinary in quality, ability, or degree; neither outstanding nor extremely poor.
    • Example Sentence: The movie received average reviews, neither impressing nor disappointing the audience.
  3. Verb: Underperform
    • Definition: To fail to perform as well as expected or required.
    • Example Sentence: The team underperformed in the match, leading to their defeat.
  4. Adverb: Normally
    • Definition: In a usual, typical, or expected manner; without any exceptional or extraordinary characteristics.
    • Example Sentence: Susan's grades were normally good, but this semester they dropped significantly.

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