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Noun attender has 3 senses
  1. hearer, listener, auditor, attender - someone who listens attentively
    --1 is a kind of perceiver, observer, beholder
    --1 is a member of audience
    --1 has particulars: eavesdropper
    Derived form: verb attend5
  2. attendant, attender, tender - someone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of another
    --2 is a kind of assistant, helper, help, supporter
    --2 has particulars:
     companion; baggageman; batman; bellboy, bellman, bellhop; bridesmaid, maid of honor; caddie, golf caddie; checker; courtier; cupbearer; equerry; escort; esquire; famulus; gillie; groomsman; lifeguard, lifesaver; linkboy, linkman; loader; matron of honor; orderly, hospital attendant; orderly; page, varlet; page; racker; rocker; second; servitor; squire; squire, gallant; steward, flight attendant; stretcher-bearer, litter-bearer; trainbearer; waker, rouser, arouser
    Derived forms: verb attend4, verb attend1
  3. attendant, attender, attendee, meeter - a person who participates in a meeting; "he was a regular attender at department meetings"; "the gathering satisfied both organizers and attendees"
    --3 is a kind of participant
    --3 has particulars: conventioneer; partygoer
    Derived form: verb attend1
attendants attended attendee attendees attendeess attendence attendent attendents attender attendes attendess attending attendre attends attends to attendu attendus

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