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Noun observer has 2 senses
  1. perceiver, observer, beholder - a person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses
    --1 is a kind of person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, human, soul
    --1 has particulars:
     eyeglass wearer; finder, discoverer, spotter; hearer, listener, auditor, attender; audile; motile; noticer; seer; spectator, witness, viewer, watcher, looker; visualizer, visualiser; witness, witnesser, informant
    Derived forms: verb observe7, verb observe1, verb observe3
  2. observer, commentator - an expert who observes and comments on something
    --2 is a kind of expert
    --2 has particulars: annotator
    Derived form: verb observe2
observative observatively observatories observators observatory observe observed observed fire observer observer s observer s meridian observers observes observing observingly obsess obsess antonym

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