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antonym of recoup


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Antonym of Recoup


The antonym of recoup refers to the opposite action of recovering or regaining something, especially in terms of finances or losses.

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Sense 1: Lose

Noun: The antonym of recoup in this sense refers to a situation where the loss incurred cannot be regained or compensated.

Example Sentence: Despite their efforts, the company experienced a significant loss which they were unable to recoup.

Sense 2: Spend

Verb: The antonym of recoup in this sense refers to the act of spending money or resources instead of recovering them.

Example Sentence: Instead of saving for the future, he chose to antonym of recoup his earnings by splurging on expensive vacations.

Sense 3: Sacrifice

Noun: The antonym of recoup in this sense refers to the concept of giving up or sacrificing something without expecting anything in return.

Example Sentence: She decided to make a antonym of recoup by donating all her savings to charity.

Sense 4: Deteriorate

Verb: The antonym of recoup in this sense refers to the worsening or decline of a situation, rather than recovering or improving it.

Example Sentence: The company's reputation continued to antonym of recoup as further scandals were uncovered.

Note: The examples and descriptions above are intended to provide a general understanding of the antonym of recoup across various senses and usages, and may not uncover all possible interpretations.

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