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Definitions from the WebTerm: Antonym of ReciprocatePart of Speech: VerbSense 1: Reject/denyDescription: When someone does not respond or refuses to reciprocate an action or gesture. Sample Sentence: The person chose to ignore the compliment and antirecipated any form of kindness. Related Products: Ignore, Refuse Sense 2: Disregard/neglectDescription: Not giving any consideration or attention in return for someone's actions or gestures. Sample Sentence: He showed no gratitude for the favors done for him, choosing instead to antireciprocate all the help. Related Products: Disregard, Neglect Part of Speech: NounSense 1: InsensitivityDescription: A lack of responsiveness or consideration towards someone's actions or gestures. Sample Sentence: Her antireciprocation towards his feelings left him with a deep sense of hurt and insensitivity. Related Products: Insensitivity, Lack of Responsiveness Sense 2: NonreciprocityDescription: The absence of mutual actions or gestures between two or more parties. Sample Sentence: The lack of antireciprocation in their friendship made him question the value of their relationship. Related Products: Nonreciprocity, One-Sidedness | ||||
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