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antonym of racism


Definitions from the Web

Antonym of Racism


The antonym of racism refers to the opposite belief or ideology that promotes equality, inclusivity, and respect among individuals, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

Part of Speech

This term can be either a noun or an adjective, depending on the context in which it is used.

Senses and Usages


  • As a noun, the antonym of racism represents the belief in equality, harmony, and justice among all races.
  • Example Sentence: Embracing the antonym of racism ensures a society where individuals of all backgrounds are treated fairly and with dignity.


  • As an adjective, the antonym of racism describes actions, policies, or attitudes that promote racial equality and non-discrimination.
  • Example Sentence: The organization is committed to creating an antonym of racism environment by celebrating diversity and fostering inclusivity.

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