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antonym of relic


Definitions from the Web

Antonym of Relic



Definition: a forward or onward movement (especially towards a goal or objective)

Sample Sentences:

1. With each technological advancement, society takes a step towards progress.

2. The invention of electricity brought about rapid progress in the field of communication.

3. A lack of progress can be demotivating, so it's important to constantly strive for improvement.



Definition: to bring up to date in style, techniques, or technology

Sample Sentences:

1. The company decided to modernize their manufacturing process to increase efficiency.

2. The architect suggested modernizing the outdated building by adding smart technology.

3. It's essential for businesses to constantly modernize to stay competitive in the market.



Definition: introducing or using new ideas, methods, or concepts

Sample Sentences:

1. The company's innovative approach to product design led to a surge in sales.

2. The scientist's innovative research paved the way for groundbreaking discoveries.

3. An innovative solution to the problem was proposed, which proved to be highly effective.

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antonym of ram antonym of ravine antonym of rebound antonym of receding antonym of reciprocate antonym of reconciliation antonym of recoup antonym of relationship antonym of relic antonym of repast antonym of reproach antonym of reputation antonym of resourcefulness antonym of respond antonym of revision antonym of riffle antonym of rifling

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