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antonym of quiver


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Antonym of Quiver


A quiver is a container used to hold and carry arrows. It is a narrow, cylindrical bag usually made of leather, fabric, or synthetic materials. The antonym of quiver refers to the absence of a quiver or anything that does not possess characteristics similar to a quiver.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun


  • Sense 1: Absence of a quiver or anything similar.


  • General: The antonym of quiver suggests the lack of a container for arrows or any object that typically holds arrows.
  • Specific: In archery, one requires a quiver to store and carry arrows, but the antonym of quiver signifies the absence of such a container or any device for storing arrows.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The archer stood without a quiver, armed with only his bow.
  2. Unlike his competitors, he opted for the antonym of a quiver, deciding to hold arrows in his hand instead.
  3. She searched high and low, but there was no sign of a quiver or its antonym in the archery store.

Related Products:

To explore various archery accessories, including quivers, you can find related products on Amazon.

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