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antonym of reconciliation


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Antonym of Reconciliation


The antonym of reconciliation refers to the opposite of finding common ground or resolving differences. It signifies a state of discord or ongoing conflict between individuals or groups, where compromise or agreement seems unlikely.

Possible Parts of Speech:

  • Noun
  • Verb
  • Adjective

Possible Senses and Usages:


1. Division: A state or condition of division, disagreement, or antagonism between parties.

2. Enmity: A deep-seated hostility or animosity existing between individuals or groups.


1. Oppose: To actively resist or oppose the attempt to reconcile or find a resolution.

2. Estrange: To cause a deliberate distancing or separation between individuals, resulting in a lack of reconciliation.


1. Irreconcilable: Describing two or more ideas, opinions, or beliefs that are fundamentally incompatible and cannot be reconciled.

2. Uncompromising: Indicating a firm and unwavering stance, with no willingness to reach a compromise or reconciliation.

Sample Sentences:


  • The political division between the two parties shows no sign of reconciliation.
  • Generational conflicts sometimes lead to long-lasting enmity between family members.


  • Despite numerous efforts, they continue to oppose any attempts at reconciliation.
  • The constant arguments and disagreements ultimately estranged the once-close friends.


  • Their irreconcilable differences regarding the matter made it impossible to find common ground.
  • His uncompromising attitude created an atmosphere of hostility and hindered any chance of reconciliation.

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