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antonym of relationship


Definitions from the Web

Term: Antonym of Relationship


An antonym of relationship refers to a word that embodies the opposite meaning or carries a contrary notion to the concept of relationship. It denotes a lack of connection, bond, or association between individuals or things.

Senses and Usages:

1. Isolation:

Part of Speech: Noun

Example Sentence: She chose a life of isolation rather than have any kind of antonym of relationship.

2. Detachment:

Part of Speech: Noun

Example Sentence: Despite being in close proximity, there was an unmistakable detachment between the two colleagues.

3. Estrangement:

Part of Speech: Noun

Example Sentence: The family's constant arguments and bitterness resulted in an unbreakable sense of estrangement.

4. Disassociation:

Part of Speech: Noun

Example Sentence: The disassociation between the two groups was evident as they pursued separate goals.

5. Unfriendliness:

Part of Speech: Noun

Example Sentence: The antagonistic behavior displayed towards each other clearly indicated an antonym of relationship.

6. Disconnection:

Part of Speech: Noun

Example Sentence: The sudden disconnection between the Wi-Fi network and your device interrupted the smooth data transfer.

7. Stranger:

Part of Speech: Noun

Example Sentence: As they locked eyes, neither person could shake off the feeling of being complete strangers—a true antonym of relationship.

8. Divergence:

Part of Speech: Noun

Example Sentence: Their ambitions and aspirations led them down divergent paths, resulting in the antonym of relationship.

9. Unattached:

Part of Speech: Adjective

Example Sentence: Peter enjoyed his unattached lifestyle, not desiring the complications a relationship could bring.

10. Unrelated:

Part of Speech: Adjective

Example Sentence: The topics discussed in the chemistry class seemed unrelated to the antonym of relationship between atoms.

11. Unconnected:

Part of Speech: Adjective

Example Sentence: The two incidents were deemed unconnected, as there was no evidence linking them together.

12. Disconnectedly:

Part of Speech: Adverb

Example Sentence: The participants spoke disjointedly and disconnectedly, leading to a lack of understanding.

Possible Related Products:

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