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antonym of purloin


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Term: Antonym of Purloin


An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. The antonym of "purloin" refers to a word that signifies the act of returning, restoring, or giving back something that was unlawfully taken or obtained.

Possible Antonyms:
  • Return: The act of giving back or restoring something that was taken or borrowed.
  • Restore: To bring something back to its original or proper condition or place.
  • Reimburse: To pay back or compensate someone for a loss, expenses, or stolen item.
  • Retrieve: The act of getting back something that was lost, stolen, or misplaced.
  • Surrender: To hand over or give up something willingly, especially after it was obtained unlawfully.
Sample Sentences:

1. He decided to return the stolen painting to its rightful owner.

2. The archaeologists aim to restore the ancient artifacts to their former glory.

3. The insurance company reimbursed him for the lost jewelry.

4. She tried hard to retrieve her misplaced passport before her flight.

5. The thief ultimately surrendered himself and turned in all the stolen cash.

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