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Noun crossing has 7 senses
  1. crossing - traveling across
    --1 is a kind of
    travel, traveling, travelling
    --1 has particulars: ford, fording; traversal, traverse
    Derived form: verb cross1
  2. ford, crossing - a shallow area in a stream that can be forded
    --2 is a kind of body of water, water
    --2 is a part of stream, watercourse
  3. crossing - a point where two lines (paths or arcs etc.) intersect
    --3 is a kind of
    Derived form: verb cross2
  4. intersection, crossroad, crossway, crossing, carrefour - a junction where one street or road crosses another
    --4 is a kind of junction
    --4 is a part of road, route
    --4 has particulars:
     corner, street corner, turning point; level crossing, grade crossing
    Derived form: verb cross2
  5. crossing, crosswalk, crossover - a path (often marked) where something (as a street or railroad) can be crossed to get from one side to the other
    --5 is a kind of path
    --5 has particulars: grade separation; pedestrian crossing, zebra crossing
    Derived form: verb cross1
  6. hybridization, hybridisation, crossbreeding, crossing, cross, interbreeding, hybridizing - (genetics) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids
    --6 is a kind of coupling, mating, pairing, conjugation, union, sexual union
    --6 has particulars:
     dihybrid cross; monohybrid cross; reciprocal cross, reciprocal; testcross, test-cross
    Derived form: verb cross8
  7. crossing - a voyage across a body of water (usually across the Atlantic Ocean)
    --7 is a kind of
    Derived form: verb cross1
crosshead crossheading crossin crossing crossing and uncrossing of the legs crossing guard crossing out crossing over crossings crossjack crosslinguistically crosslink crossly crossmedia crossness crossopterygian crossopterygii

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