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zebra crossing


Definitions from WordNet

Noun zebra crossing has 1 sense
  1. pedestrian crossing, zebra crossing - street crossing where pedestrians have right of way; often marked in some way especially with diagonal stripes
    --1 is a kind of crossing, crosswalk, crossover
    --1 has particulars: pelican crossing; school crossing

Definitions from the Web

Zebra Crossing


A zebra crossing is a type of pedestrian crossing typically marked with black and white stripes on the road surface. It is designed to give pedestrians the right of way by signaling drivers to stop and allow them to cross the road safely.


Sense 1:

Noun - A marked pedestrian crossing on a road, characterized by alternating black and white stripes.

Example: The zebra crossing was busy with school children crossing the road.

Sense 2:

Verb - The act of crossing the road using a zebra crossing.

Example: Make sure to zebra crossing at the designated area for your safety.


Usage 1:

A zebra crossing provides a safe passage for pedestrians to cross busy roads.

Usage 2:

When driving, it is essential to promptly stop at a zebra crossing to yield to pedestrians.

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