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Definitions from WordNet

Noun crossheading has 1 sense
  1. crossheading, crosshead - a heading of a subsection printed within the body of the text
    --1 is a kind of heading, header, head

Definitions from the Web


Definition: A subheading that separates different sections or topics within a larger heading.

Sense 1 (noun): In publishing or writing, a crossheading is a small introductory heading that divides content into distinct sections.

Example sentence 1: In this article, each chapter includes a crossheading to help readers easily navigate through the various topics.

Example sentence 2: The newspaper article was well-structured with clear crossheadings indicating different aspects of the story.

Sense 2 (noun): Crossheading can also refer to a decorative element used in typography, particularly a horizontal line placed between sections.

Example sentence 1: The elegant crossheading between paragraphs added visual appeal to the webpage.

Example sentence 2: The book's layout included beautiful crossheadings to enhance readability and aesthetics.

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