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psychic phenomena

Noun psychic phenomenon has 1 sense
  1. psychic phenomena, psychic phenomenon, parapsychology - phenomena that appear to contradict physical laws and suggest the possibility of causation by mental processes
    --1 is a kind of psychic communication, psychical communication, anomalous communication; psychic communication, psychical communication, anomalous communication; psychic communication, psychical communication, anomalous communication; psychic communication, psychical communication, anomalous communication
    --1 has particulars:
     clairvoyance, second sight, extrasensory perception, E.S.P., ESP; telekinesis, psychokinesis; table rapping, table tapping, spirit rapping; table tipping, table tilting, table turning, table lifting; 1 sense of psychic phenomenon ; psychic phenomena, psychic phenomenon, parapsychology; clairvoyance, second sight, extrasensory perception, E.S.P., ESP; telekinesis, psychokinesis; table rapping, table tapping, spirit rapping; table tipping, table tilting, table turning, table lifting; psychic phenomena, psychic phenomenon, parapsychology; clairvoyance, second sight, extrasensory perception, E.S.P., ESP; telekinesis, psychokinesis; table rapping, table tapping, spirit rapping; table tipping, table tilting, table turning, table lifting; 1 sense of psychic phenomenon ; psychic phenomena, psychic phenomenon, parapsychology; clairvoyance, second sight, extrasensory perception, E.S.P., ESP; telekinesis, psychokinesis; table rapping, table tapping, spirit rapping; table tipping, table tilting, table turning, table lifting
psychiatric hospital psychiatrical psychiatrist psychiatrists psychiatry psychic psychic communication psychic energy psychic phenomena psychic phenomenon psychic s psychic trauma psychical psychical communication psychically psychics psychicsrus

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