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table lifting


Definitions from WordNet

Noun table lifting has 1 sense
  1. table tipping, table tilting, table turning, table lifting - manipulation of a table during a seance; attributed to spirits
    --1 is a kind of psychic phenomena, psychic phenomenon, parapsychology
    --1 is a part of seance, sitting, session

Definitions from the Web

Table Lifting


Table lifting refers to the action or process of raising or elevating a table from a lower position to a higher one. It can involve using various mechanisms such as hydraulic systems or manual labor to lift tables for different purposes in a wide range of settings.

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Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

Noun: A method or equipment used to elevate tables for various purposes.

Example sentence: The restaurant has recently invested in a state-of-the-art table lifting system to provide adjustable dining heights for their customers.

Sense 2:

Gerund: The act of physically raising or lifting a table.

Example sentence: She displayed her strength by effortlessly table lifting during the furniture rearrangement process.

Sense 3:

Adjective: Describing something that has the ability to lift tables.

Example sentence: The sturdy and table-lifting robotic arm proved to be a game-changer in the manufacturing industry.

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