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origin of macroscopic


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Origin of Macroscopic

Macroscopic is an adjective that refers to something that is visible to the naked eye or can be observed without the use of a microscope. It is derived from the combination of the prefix "macro-" meaning "large" or "big" and the word "scopic" meaning "pertaining to seeing or observing."

Senses and Usages:

  1. Scientific Sense: In the scientific context, macroscopic is used to describe objects, phenomena, or processes that can be seen or observed without magnification.
    • Sample Sentence 1: The astronomers used macroscopic telescopes to observe the movement of celestial bodies.
    • Sample Sentence 2: The study of macroscopic organisms such as whales and elephants falls under the field of biology.
  2. Everyday Usage: In everyday language, macroscopic can be used to emphasize the large or visible nature of something.
    • Sample Sentence 1: The artist created a macroscopic mural that captured the essence of the city.
    • Sample Sentence 2: The damage caused by the hurricane was macroscopic; entire neighborhoods were destroyed.

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