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Definitions from WordNet

Noun horse-pistol has 1 sense
  1. horse pistol, horse-pistol - a large pistol (usually in a holster) formerly carried by horsemen
    --1 is a kind of pistol, handgun, side arm, shooting iron

Definitions from the Web


Definition: A type of firearm, typically a pistol, designed for use on horseback.

Senses and Usages:

  1. Noun: A pistol specifically designed for use while riding on horseback.
  2. Example sentence: The cowboy always carried his trusty horse-pistol during his adventures in the Wild West.

  3. Adjective: Pertaining to or characteristic of the use of pistols on horseback.
  4. Example sentence: The equestrian skillfully demonstrated various horse-pistol techniques in the thrilling show.

  5. Verb: To equip or arm with a horse-pistol.
  6. Example sentence: The cavalry troops were instructed to horse-pistol themselves in preparation for the upcoming battle.

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