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Adjective high has 7 senses
  1. high - greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "a high temperature"; "a high price"; "the high point of his career"; "high risks"; "has high hopes"; "the river is high"; "he has a high opinion of himself"
    low, debased, devalued, degraded, depressed, down, low-level, poor, reduced, rock-bottom
  2. high - (literal meanings) being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension (sometimes used in combinations like `knee-high'); "a high mountain"; "high ceilings"; "high buildings"; "a high forehead"; "a high incline"; "a foot high"
    low, deep, low-level, low-lying, lowset, low-set, nether, under, squat, underslung
  3. eminent, high - standing above others in quality or position; "people in high places"; "the high priest"; "eminent members of the community"
    Antonym: inferior (indirect, via superior)
  4. high, high-pitched - used of sounds and voices; high in pitch or frequency
    Antonyms: low, low-pitched, alto, contralto, baritone, bass, deep, contrabass, double-bass, throaty
  5. high, in high spirits - happy and excited and energetic
    Antonym: dejected (indirect, via elated)
  6. gamey, gamy, high - used of the smell of game beginning to taint
    Antonym: fragrant (indirect, via malodorous)
  7. high, mellow - slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug (especially marijuana)
    Antonym: sober (indirect, via intoxicated)
Adverbial high has 4 senses
  1. high, high up - at a great altitude; "he climbed high on the ladder"
  2. high - in or to a high position, amount, or degree; "prices have gone up far too high"
  3. high, richly, luxuriously - in a rich manner; "he lives high"
  4. high - far up toward the source; "he lives high up the river"
Noun high has 7 senses
  1. high - a lofty level or position or degree; "summer temperatures reached an all-time high"
    --1 is a kind of
    degree, grade, level
    Antonyms: low
  2. high, high pressure - an air mass of higher than normal pressure; "the east coast benefits from a Bermuda high"
    --2 is a kind of air mass
    --2 is a part of anticyclone
  3. high - a state of sustained elation; "I'm on a permanent high these days"
    --3 is a kind of
    Antonyms: low spirits
  4. high - a state of altered consciousness induced by alcohol or narcotics; "they took drugs to get a high on"
    --4 is a kind of
  5. high, heights - a high place; "they stood on high and observed the coutryside"; "he doesn't like heights"
    --5 is a kind of topographic point, place, spot
  6. senior high school, senior high, high, highschool, high school - a public secondary school usually including grades 9 through 12; "he goes to the neighborhood highschool"
    --6 is a kind of secondary school, lyceum, lycee, Gymnasium, middle school
  7. high gear, high - a forward gear with a gear ratio giving high vehicle velocity for a given engine speed
    --7 is a kind of gear, gear mechanism
    --7 is a part of car, auto, automobile, machine, motorcar
    --7 has particulars: overdrive
high-voltage high-volume high-warp loom high-water high-water mark high-wire high-yield bond high-yielding high high altar high and dry high and low high anglican church high anglicanism high bar high beam high blood pressure

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