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fade out

Noun fade out has 2 senses
  1. receding, fadeout - a slow or gradual disappearance
    --1 is a kind of disappearance
    Derived form: verb fade out1
  2. fadeout - a gradual temporary loss of a transmitted signal due to electrical disturbances
    --2 is a kind of noise, interference, disturbance
Verb fade out has 1 sense
  1. dissolve, fade out, fade away - become weaker; "The sound faded out"
    --1 is one way to change state, turn
    Derived form: noun fadeout1
    Sample sentence:
    Something ----s
faddishly faddism faddist faddy fade-in fade fade away fade off fade out faded fadeing fadeout faderal fades fadeup fading fading away

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