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Noun variation has 10 senses
  1. variation, fluctuation - an instance of change; the rate or magnitude of change
    --1 is a kind of change, alteration, modification
    --1 has particulars:
     vicissitude; allomerism; deviation, divergence, departure, difference; substitution, permutation, transposition, replacement, switch; business cycle, trade cycle; daily variation; diurnal variation; tide
    Derived form: verb vary3
  2. variation, variance - an activity that varies from a norm or standard; "any variation in his routine was immediately reported"
    --2 is a kind of activity
    Derived form: verb vary2
  3. variation - a repetition of a musical theme in which it is modified or embellished
    --3 is a kind of
    theme, melodic theme, musical theme, idea
    --3 has particulars: inversion
  4. version, variant, variation, edition - something a little different from others of the same type; "an experimental version of the night fighter"; "an emery wheel is a modern variant of the grindstone"; "the boy is a younger edition of his father"
    --4 is a kind of type
    Derived form: verb vary1
  5. variation - an artifact that deviates from a norm or standard; "he patented a variation on the sandal"
    --5 is a kind of
    --5 has particulars: bastard, mongrel
  6. magnetic declination, magnetic variation, variation - the angle (at a particular location) between magnetic north and true north
    --6 is a kind of angle
    Derived form: verb vary3
  7. variation - (astronomy) any perturbation of the mean motion or orbit of a planet or satellite (especially a perturbation of the earth's moon)
    --7 is a kind of
    --7 has particulars: libration
    Derived forms: verb vary3, verb vary2
  8. mutant, mutation, variation, sport - (biology) an organism that has characteristics resulting from chromosomal alteration
    --8 is a kind of organism, being
    --8 has particulars: freak, monster, monstrosity, lusus naturae
    Derived form: verb vary2
  9. pas seul, variation - (ballet) a solo dance or dance figure
    --9 is a kind of dancing, dance, terpsichore, saltation
  10. variation - the act of changing or altering something slightly but noticeably from the norm or standard; "who is responsible for these variations in taxation?"
    --10 is a kind of
    Derived form: verb vary4
variance variances variant variant spelling variants varias variate variation variations variatnts variaty varicella varicella zoster virus varicelliform varices varicity varicocele

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