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political leader

Noun political leader has 1 sense
  1. politician, politico, pol, political leader - a person active in party politics
    --1 is a kind of leader
    --1 has particulars:
     campaigner, candidate, nominee; Communist; Democrat; Federalist; Labourite; machine politician, ward-heeler, political hack, hack; Mugwump; noncandidate; party boss, political boss, boss; party man, party liner; Republican; sachem; socialist; standard-bearer; statesman, solon, national leader; technocrat; Whig; Astor, Nancy Witcher Astor, Viscountess Astor; Barkley, Alben Barkley, Alben William Barkley; Beaverbrook, 1st Baron Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken; Bradley, Thomas Bradley, Tom Bradley; Bryan, William Jennings Bryan, the Great Commoner, The Boy Orator of the Platte; Burr, Aaron Burr; Clark, Joe Clark, Charles Joseph Clark; Clay, Henry Clay, the Great Compromiser; Clinton, DeWitt Clinton; Crockett, Davy Crockett, David Crockett; Douglas, Stephen A. Douglas, Stephen Arnold Douglas, The Little Giant; Houston, Sam Houston, Samuel Houston; Jackson, Jesse Jackson, Jesse Louis Jackson; Jackson, Glenda Jackson; Maginot, Andre Maginot; McCarthy, Joseph McCarthy, Joseph Raymond McCarthy; Mullah Omar, Mullah Mohammed Omar; Peel, Robert Peel, Sir Robert Peel; Rankin, Jeannette Rankin; Ross, Nellie Ross, Nellie Tayloe Ross; Seward, William Henry Seward; Webster, Daniel Webster
political document political donation political economy political enfranchisement political event political hack political had political incorrectness political leader political liberty political machine political map political movement political orientation political party political platform political prisoner

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