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Adjective leaded has 3 senses
  1. leaded - (of panes of glass) fixed in place by means of thin strips of lead; "leaded windowpanes"
    unfixed (indirect, via fixed)
  2. leaded - treated or mixed with lead; "leaded gasoline"; "leaded zinc"
    unleaded, leadless, lead-free, nonleaded
  3. leaded - having thin strips of lead between the lines of type
    unspaced (indirect, via spaced)
Verb lead has 15 senses
  1. lead, take, direct, conduct, guide - take somebody somewhere; "We lead him to our chief"; "can you take me to the main entrance?"; "He conducted us to the palace"
    Derived form: noun leader1
    Sample sentence:
    The men lead the horses across the field
  2. leave, result, lead - result in; "The water left a mark on the silk dress"; "Her blood left a stain on the napkin"
    --2 is one way to bring about
    Sample sentence:
    Something ----s something
  3. lead - tend to or result in; "This remark lead to further arguments among the guests"
    --3 is one way to
    leave, result, lead
    Sample sentence:
    Something is ----ing PP
  4. lead, head - travel in front of; go in advance of others; "The procession was headed by John"
    --4 is one way to precede, lead
    Derived form: noun leader1
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Somebody ----s somebody
  5. lead - cause to undertake a certain action; "Her greed led her to forge the checks"
    --5 is one way to
    induce, stimulate, cause, have, get, make
    Derived form: noun leader1
    Sample sentence:
    They lead him to write the letter
  6. run, go, pass, lead, extend - stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point; "Service runs all the way to Cranbury"; "His knowledge doesn't go very far"; "My memory extends back to my fourth year of life"; "The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets"
    --6 is one way to be
    Sample sentence:
    Something is ----ing PP
  7. head, lead - be in charge of; "Who is heading this project?"
    --7 is one way to direct
    Derived forms: noun lead4, noun leader1
    Sample sentence:
    They lead him to write the letter
  8. lead, top - be ahead of others; be the first; "she topped her class every year"
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s
    Somebody ----s PP
    => Somebody ----s something
    => Somebody ----s somebody
    => Something ----s somebody
    => Something ----s something
  9. contribute, lead, conduce - be conducive to; "The use of computers in the classroom lead to better writing"
    --9 is one way to promote, advance, boost, further, encourage
    Sample sentence:
    Something is ----ing PP
  10. conduct, lead, direct - lead, as in the performance of a composition; "conduct an orchestra; Bairenboim conducted the Chicago symphony for years"
    --10 is one way to perform, execute, do
    Derived form: noun lead4
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something
  11. lead - pass or spend; "lead a good life"
    --11 is one way to
    spend, pass
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something
  12. go, lead - lead, extend, or afford access; "This door goes to the basement"; "The road runs South"
    --12 is one way to be
    Sample sentence:
    Something is ----ing PP
  13. precede, lead - move ahead (of others) in time or space
    --13 is one way to travel, go, move, locomote
    Sample sentences:
    Something ----s
    Somebody ----s
    Somebody ----s something
    Somebody ----s somebody
    Something ----s somebody
    Something ----s something
  14. run, lead - cause something to pass or lead somewhere; "Run the wire behind the cabinet"
    --14 is one way to pass, make pass
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something PP
  15. moderate, chair, lead - preside over; "John moderated the discussion"
    --15 is one way to hash out, discuss, talk over
    Derived form: noun lead4
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s
    Somebody ----s something
lead story lead tetraethyl lead the attack lead time lead times lead tree lead up leadbelly leaded leaded bronze leaded gasoline leaded petrol leaden leaden hammer leader leader leader qualities

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