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Noun lampoon has 1 sense
  1. parody, lampoon, spoof, sendup, mockery, takeoff, burlesque, travesty, charade, pasquinade, put-on - a composition that imitates somebody's style in a humorous way
    --1 is a kind of caricature, imitation, impersonation
    Derived form: verb lampoon1
Verb lampoon has 1 sense
  1. satirize, satirise, lampoon - ridicule with satire; "The writer satirized the politician's proposal"
    --1 is one way to ridicule, roast, guy, blackguard, laugh at, jest at, rib, make fun, poke fun
    Derived forms: noun lampooner1, noun lampoon1
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Somebody ----s somebody
lampblack lamper eel lamphear classical dictionary lamphouse lamplight lamplighter lamplit lampoom lampoon lampoon lampoon artist lampooned lampooner lampooning lampoonist lampoons lamppost

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