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imperial capacity unit

Noun imperial capacity unit has 1 sense
  1. British capacity unit, Imperial capacity unit - a unit of measure for capacity officially adopted in the British Imperial System; British units are both dry and wet
    --1 is a kind of liquid unit, liquid measure; dry unit, dry measure
    --1 has particulars:
     barrel, bbl; minim; fluidram, fluid dram, fluid drachm, drachm; fluidounce, fluid ounce; gill; pint; quart; gallon, Imperial gallon, congius; peck; bushel; firkin; kilderkin; quarter; hogshead; chaldron
imperfective aspect imperfectly imperfectness imperforate imperforate anus imperforate hymen imperial imperial beard imperial capacity unit imperial decree imperial elephant imperial gallon imperial japanese morning glory imperial mammoth imperial moth imperialism imperialist

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