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Noun drachm has 3 senses
- dram, drachm, drachma - a unit of apothecary weight equal to an eighth of an ounce or to 60 grains
--1 is a kind of apothecaries' unit, apothecaries' weight
--1 is a part of ounce, troy ounce, apothecaries' ounce
--1 has parts: scruple
- fluidram, fluid dram, fluid drachm, drachm - a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 60 minims or 3.5516 cubic centimeters
--2 is a kind of British capacity unit, Imperial capacity unit
--2 is a part of fluidounce, fluid ounce
--2 has parts: minim
- fluidram, fluid dram, fluid drachm, drachm - a unit of capacity or volume in the apothecary system equal to one eighth of a fluid ounce
--3 is a kind of United States liquid unit
--3 is a part of fluidounce, fluid ounce
--3 has parts: minim