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imperial beard


Definitions from WordNet

Noun imperial beard has 1 sense
  1. imperial, imperial beard - a small tufted beard worn by Emperor Napoleon III
    --1 is a kind of beard, face fungus, whiskers

Definitions from the Web

Imperial Beard


An imperial beard refers to a specific style of facial hair grown on the lower part of the face, specifically the jawline and chin, resembling a rectangular shape. This type of beard is characterized by a clean-shaven upper lip area, with thick and well-groomed facial hair concentrated in the lower region.



  1. He proudly displayed his impeccably manicured imperial beard as a symbol of his refined taste.
  2. The actor's iconic imperial beard became his trademark look, enhancing his rugged appearance on-screen.


  1. The barber expertly sculpted his client's imperial beard, giving him a suave and sophisticated appearance.
  2. Many gentlemen strive to achieve the perfect imperial beard style, which demands meticulous grooming and maintenance.


  1. He decided to imperial beard his face for a change, bidding farewell to his clean-shaven look.
  2. With dedication and patience, he successfully managed to grow and imperial beard his facial hair to match his desired style.

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