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Noun gentile has 3 senses
  1. heathen, pagan, gentile, infidel - a person who does not acknowledge your God
    --1 is a kind of nonreligious person
    --1 has particulars: paynim; idolater, idolizer, idoliser, idol worshiper
  2. Gentile - a person who is not a member of one's own religion; used in this sense by Mormons and Hindus
    --2 is a kind of
    person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, human, soul
  3. Gentile, non-Jew, goy - in this sense `Gentile' denotes a Christian as contrasted with a Jew; `goy' is a derogatory word for Christians used by Jews
    --3 is a kind of Christian
    --3 has particulars: shegetz
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