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Definitions from WordNet

Noun gentility has 1 sense
  1. breeding, genteelness, gentility - elegance by virtue of fineness of manner and expression
    --1 is a kind of elegance

Definitions from the Web



Gentility refers to the quality or condition of being genteel or refined in manner, appearance, or character. It denotes the possession of good breeding, sophistication, and courteous behavior. Gentility is often associated with a sense of social elegance and propriety.

Sense 1: Noun

Definition: Polite or refined behavior or conduct; social grace.
Example Sentence: The dinner party was filled with gentility, as the guests engaged in polite conversation and displayed impeccable manners.

Sense 2: Noun

Definition: The state of belonging to or being of the upper class.
Example Sentence: She was impressed by the opulence and gentility of the mansion, which clearly reflected the family's high social status.

Sense 3: Noun

Definition: A display or imitation of elegance and sophistication.
Example Sentence: The boutique hotel exuded a sense of gentility with its tastefully decorated rooms, luxurious furnishings, and attentive staff.

Sense 4: Noun

Definition: Polite and refined behavior that is sometimes perceived as artificial or insincere.
Example Sentence: Her constant display of gentility made some people question her true intentions and whether it was all just a facade.

Sense 5: Adjective

Definition: Characterized by or possessing the qualities of gentility.
Example Sentence: The genteel atmosphere of the country club attracted those who preferred a more gentility lifestyle, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Sense 6: Adjective

Definition: Suitable for polite or refined society; connected with the upper class.
Example Sentence: The elegant ballroom was a setting that exemplified the gentility of the event, with its chandeliers, silk draperies, and well-dressed guests.

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