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Definitions from WordNet

Noun idoliser has 2 senses
  1. idolizer, idoliser - a lover blind with admiration and devotion
    --1 is a kind of lover
  2. idolater, idolizer, idoliser, idol worshiper - a person who worships idols
    --2 is a kind of heathen, pagan, gentile, infidel
    --2 has particulars: idolatress

Definitions from the Web

Term: Idoliser

Part of speech: Noun

Sense: A person who worships or greatly admires someone or something.

Usage: A popular term used to describe individuals who idolize celebrities, athletes, or public figures.

Sample sentence:

"She became an idoliser of the famous singer, collecting all his albums and attending every concert she could."

Part of speech: Verb

Sense: To worship or greatly admire someone or something.

Usage: It is used to describe the action of expressing a high level of adoration or devotion towards a particular person or thing.

Sample sentence:

"She couldn't help but idolize her favorite author and even had a poster of him on her bedroom wall."

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