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gentianopsis holopetala


Definitions from WordNet

Noun gentianopsis holopetala has 1 sense
  1. tufted gentian, Gentianopsis holopetala, Gentiana holopetala - small blue-flowered fringed gentian of Sierra Nevada mountains
    --1 is a kind of fringed gentian

Definitions from the Web

Term: Gentianopsis holopetala

Description: Gentianopsis holopetala is a flowering plant species in the Gentianaceae family. It is commonly known as the alpine spring beauty and is native to high-elevation areas of North America. The plant features beautiful small white flowers and is highly valued for its ornamental qualities.

Senses and Usages:

As a Noun:
  1. Gentianopsis holopetala: Refers to the specific species of flowering plant known as alpine spring beauty.
  2. Ornamental Plant: Gentianopsis holopetala is often cultivated as an ornamental plant in gardens and landscapes due to its attractive white flowers.
Sample Sentences:
  1. The Gentianopsis holopetala is a stunning wildflower that thrives in high-altitude regions.
  2. Many gardeners appreciate the delicate beauty of Gentianopsis holopetala in their flower beds.
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