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drug dealer


Definitions from WordNet

Noun drug dealer has 1 sense
  1. pusher, drug peddler, peddler, drug dealer, drug trafficker - an unlicensed dealer in illegal drugs
    --1 is a kind of dealer; criminal, felon, crook, outlaw, malefactor

Definitions from the Web

Drug Dealer


A drug dealer is a person who sells illegal drugs to others.


  1. Noun: A person involved in the illegal trade of drugs.
  2. Noun: Any organization or group involved in the illegal distribution of drugs.


Popular: Drug dealers operate in clandestine networks, supplying narcotics to addicts and users.

Local: The local drug dealer has a reputation for selling opioids in this neighborhood.

Sample Sentences:

  • The police arrested a notorious drug dealer during a raid last night.
  • My cousin got caught up with the wrong crowd and became a drug dealer.
  • She decided to testify against the drug dealer who had threatened her family.
  • Local residents are concerned about the increasing presence of drug dealers in their community.

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