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drug bust


Definitions from WordNet

Noun drug bust has 1 sense
  1. drug bust, drugs bust - seizure of illegal drugs by the police
    --1 is a kind of impoundment, impounding, internment, poundage

Definitions from the Web

Term: Drug Bust

Noun (Popular):

A drug bust refers to a police operation aimed at apprehending individuals involved in the illegal drug trade.

Sample Sentence:

The drug bust led to the arrest of several notorious drug dealers in the neighborhood.

Noun (Local):

In local contexts, a drug bust can refer to a raid or search conducted by law enforcement officers to seize illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia.

Sample Sentence:

The small town witnessed a major drug bust that resulted in the confiscation of large quantities of narcotics.

Verb (Popular):

To drug bust means to carry out an operation to catch individuals involved in drug-related activities.

Sample Sentence:

The police department has been drug busting criminals for years.

Verb (Local):

On the local level, drug bust can also be used to describe the act of apprehending or arresting individuals suspected of drug offenses.

Sample Sentence:

The undercover agents successfully drug busted the gang members during a sting operation.

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