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definition of strategy


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Definition of Strategy

Strategy refers to a well-thought-out and planned approach or method used to achieve a specific goal or objective in various fields such as business, warfare, sports, and more. It involves carefully analyzing the current situation, setting objectives, and determining the actions and resources required to attain those objectives.

Sense 1


1.1 - A comprehensive plan or course of action designed to achieve a particular outcome or advantage.

Example sentences:

  • Developing a marketing strategy is crucial for increasing brand awareness.
  • The company's expansion strategy aims to penetrate new markets in Asia.
Related products:

- Business Strategy Books

- Strategic Planning Tools

Sense 2


2.1 - To plan and execute a strategy or set of strategies to accomplish a goal.

Example sentences:

  • The team strategized on how to win the basketball game.
  • In order to succeed, it's essential to carefully strategize every move.

Sense 3


3.1 - Pertaining to or characterized by strategic planning or thinking.

Example sentences:

  • The CEO's strategic vision has helped the company achieve remarkable success.
  • The military team showcased their strategic abilities during the war simulation.

Related products:

- Strategic Thinking Books

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