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definition of summon


Definitions from the Web

Definition of Summon

verb (transitive)

1. To call upon someone or something to come or appear, typically by using authority or power.

Example sentences:

  • The police officer summoned the witnesses to testify in court.
  • Please summon a doctor immediately!
  • The magician summoned a bird from thin air.

verb (transitive)

2. To order someone to come to a particular place, often for an official or formal purpose.

Example sentences:

  • The principal summoned the student to his office for a disciplinary meeting.
  • The company CEO summoned all employees to attend a mandatory meeting.

verb (transitive)

3. To appeal or request someone to do or provide something, often with a sense of urgency or importance.

Example sentences:

  • The charity organization summoned the public to donate food for the homeless.
  • We must summon the courage to confront our fears.
  • The captain summoned his teammates to give their best performance.

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