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definition of shrink


Definitions from the Web

Definition of Shrink

Noun: A person who Psychiatrist who treats mental and emotional disorders.

Example sentence: My therapist recommended a great shrink for my anxiety.

Verb (Intransitive): To become smaller or contract in size, especially as a result of heat, cold, or moisture.

Example sentence: The sweater shrank in the wash and no longer fits me.

Verb (Transitive): To cause something to become smaller or contract in size.

Example sentence: I accidentally shrank my favorite jeans in the dryer.

Verb (Transitive): To reduce or decrease in value, importance, or quantity.

Example sentence: The poor performance caused the company's stock to shrink significantly.

Adjective: Popular or local.

Example sentence: The restaurant is known for its shrink fries, which are a local specialty.

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