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definition of teaching method


Definitions from the Web

Teaching Method


A teaching method refers to the strategy or approach used by educators to facilitate learning and deliver instruction to students. It encompasses the techniques, tools, and activities employed to impart knowledge and skills effectively.

In a broader sense, teaching methods encompass various pedagogical theories and philosophies that guide the overall instructional process in educational settings.

Sample Sentences:

1. The teacher employed a hands-on teaching method, allowing students to actively participate in experiments and demonstrations.

2. The Montessori teaching method focuses on self-directed learning and provides students with a prepared environment to explore and discover.

3. The lecture-style teaching method in higher education encourages students to take extensive notes and engage in critical thinking.

4. The flipped classroom teaching method involves students watching video lessons at home and using class time for discussions and practical application of concepts.

5. The Socratic teaching method stimulates critical thinking by engaging students in dialogue and asking thought-provoking questions.

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