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Adjective dead has 21 senses
  1. dead - no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life; "the nerve is dead"; "a dead pallor"; "he was marked as a dead man by the assassin"
    alive, live, liveborn, viable, vital
  2. dead - not showing characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life; no longer exerting force or having energy or heat; "Mars is a dead planet"; "a dead battery"; "dead soil"; "dead coals"; "the fire is dead"
    live, in play, living, smoldering, smouldering
  3. all in, beat, bushed, dead - very tired; "was all in at the end of the day"; "so beat I could flop down and go to sleep anywhere"; "bushed after all that exercise"; "I'm dead after that long trip"
    Antonym: rested (indirect, via tired)
  4. dead - unerringly accurate; "a dead shot"; "took dead aim"
    imprecise (indirect, via precise)
  5. dead - physically inactive; "Crater Lake is in the crater of a dead volcano of the Cascade Range"
    active (indirect, via dormant, extinct)
    Antonyms: dormant, inactive (indirect, via extinct, active)
  6. dead, utter - total; "dead silence"; "utter seriousness"
    Antonym: relative (indirect, via absolute)
  7. inanimate, nonliving, dead - not endowed with life; "the inorganic world is inanimate"; "inanimate objects"; "dead stones"
  8. dead, numb - (followed by `to') not showing human feeling or sensitivity; unresponsive; "passersby were dead to our plea for help"; "numb to the cries for mercy"
    Antonym: sensitive (indirect, via insensitive)
  9. dead, deadened - devoid of physical sensation; numb; "his gums were dead from the novocain"; "she felt no discomfort as the dentist drilled her deadened tooth"; "a public desensitized by continuous television coverage of atrocities"
    Antonym: sensitive (indirect, via insensitive)
  10. dead - lacking acoustic resonance; "dead sounds characteristic of some compact discs"; "the dead wall surfaces of a recording studio"
    reverberant, ringing (indirect, via unreverberant)
  11. dead, idle - not yielding a return; "dead capital"; "idle funds"
    Antonym: profitable (indirect, via unprofitable)
  12. dead, stagnant - not circulating or flowing; "dead air"; "dead water"; "stagnant water"
    Antonym: running (indirect, via standing)
  13. dead - out of use or operation because of a fault or breakdown; "a dead telephone line"; "the motor is dead"
    functioning (indirect, via malfunctioning)
  14. dead - not surviving in active use; "Latin is a dead language"
    extant (indirect, via extinct)
  15. dead - lacking resilience or bounce; "a dead tennis ball"
    elastic (indirect, via inelastic)
  16. dead, defunct - no longer in force or use; inactive; "a defunct (or dead) law"; "a defunct organization"
    Antonym: operative (indirect, via inoperative)
  17. dead - no longer having force or relevance; "a dead issue"
    current (indirect, via noncurrent)
  18. dead - sudden and complete; "came to a dead stop"
    incomplete, uncomplete (indirect, via complete)
    Antonym: incomplete (indirect, via complete)
  19. dead, drained - drained of electric charge; discharged; "a dead battery"; "left the lights on and came back to find the battery drained"
    Antonym: charged (indirect, via uncharged)
  20. dead, lifeless - lacking animation or excitement or activity; "the party being dead we left early"; "it was a lifeless party until she arrived"
    Antonyms: animated, alive (indirect, via unanimated)
  21. dead - devoid of activity; "this is a dead town; nothing ever happens here"
    active (indirect, via inactive)
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