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deadline tankgirl


Definitions from the Web

Term: Deadline Tankgirl


Deadline Tankgirl refers to a popular character created by Jamie Hewlett and Alan Martin in the mid-1990s. She is a punk anti-heroine known for her rebellious attitude, colorful appearance, and fierce determination. Deadline Tankgirl has achieved cult status and gained a dedicated fan following due to her appearances in comic books, a movie adaptation, and various merchandise.

Sense 1 - Noun:

Definition: The iconic comic book character Deadline Tankgirl.

Sample Sentence: If you're a fan of rebellious heroines, you must check out Deadline Tankgirl.

Related Products: Amazon Search: Deadline Tankgirl

Sense 2 - Adjective:

Definition: Describing something reminiscent of or related to the style, attitude, or appearance of Deadline Tankgirl.

Sample Sentence: The character's outfit was so deadline tankgirl; it was a perfect representation of her fierce personality.

Related Products: Amazon Search: Punk Fashion

Sense 3 - Verb:

Definition: The act of embodying the rebellious and fearless qualities depicted by Deadline Tankgirl.

Sample Sentence: She exerted confidence and deadline tankgirl'd her way through the crowd, not caring about the judgmental stares.

Related Products: Amazon Search: Confidence Building Books

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