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A dead end is a street or a road that has no outlet, meaning it has no connecting route leading further. It is a cul-de-sac or a closed-off pathway that terminates abruptly.

Parts of Speech:

- Noun

- Verb

1. Noun: a street or road with no exit

2. Verb: to come to a point where no progress or further action is possible

Sample Sentences:

1. Noun:

- The kids played basketball on the quiet dead end.

- Our house is located at the end of a dead end, providing us a more secluded living environment.

- She turned the car around when she reached the dead end.

2. Verb:

- After numerous attempts, their negotiation finally dead-ended, and they couldn't reach an agreement.

- The investigation deadended due to a lack of evidence.

- The project dead-ended as a result of budget constraints.

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Term: deadend


A dead end is a street or a road that has no outlet, meaning it has no connecting route leading further. It is a cul-de-sac or a closed-off pathway that terminates abruptly.

Parts of Speech:

- Noun

- Verb


  1. Noun: a street or road with no exit
  2. Verb: to come to a point where no progress or further action is possible

Sample Sentences:

  1. Noun:
    • The kids played basketball on the quiet dead end.
    • Our house is located at the end of a dead end, providing us a more secluded living environment.
    • She turned the car around when she reached the dead end.

  2. Verb:
    • After numerous attempts, their negotiation finally dead-ended, and they couldn't reach an agreement.
    • The investigation deadended due to a lack of evidence.
    • The project dead-ended as a result of budget constraints.

Related Products:

- Dead End Sign

- Dead End Street Sign

- Cul-de-sac Sign

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